For November 2024 Reporting Period (Disclosure files posted 6th Business Day of December), there are servicer reporting problems with a relatively small number of Single Family loans, related to loan last payment date. Ginnie Mae has identified potential disclosure calculation impact, where the pool level weighted averages for WARM, WALA, WAOLT would not be calculated and would be disclosed as blanks in the Single Family Monthly Portfolio SFE disclosure files ( and The Monthly MBS Loan Level Ginnie I and Ginnie II Portfolio Loan Level File ( and delinquency calculations could be impacted for some loans, where the delinquency calculations would result in higher number of months delinquent. Users are advised that approximately 580 pools may be impacted by the incorrect reporting, many of which are highly seasoned pools. Ginnie Mae is continuing to research this and will provide additional details as available. At this time there are no plans to re-publish the November disclosure files. For questions related to this bulletin, please send an email to Inquiries to this email will be addressed within 2 business days.