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2022-033: REMIC Termination for June 2022
Published Date: 6/7/2022 10:30 AM

Ginnie Mae is providing the following clean-up call information on REMIC 2011-138

REMIC Clean up Call Notice: GNMA 2011-138

US Bank, N.A. (the Trustee) will distribute the final payments to the holders of record on June 20, 2022 to the following CUSIP: 38377YNJ5. No further payments will be made on this CUSIP, as it will be terminated on the Fed System.

The Trustee, at its option, may purchase or cause the sales of the Trust Assets and thereby terminate the Trust on any distribution Date on which the aggregate of the Class Principal Balances of the Securities is less than 1% of the aggregate Original Class Principal Balances of the Securities.

For questions related to this bulletin, please send an email to​. Inquiries to this email will be addressed within 2 business days.