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2023-035: A New Pool Search Page Date Element, CPR, is Available
Published Date: 7/24/2023 3:00 PM
As part of our continuous effort to make robust data about our mortgage security products and programs available to investors and the public, Ginnie Mae is providing a new data element, the Conditional Prepayment Rate (CPR), on its website Pool Search​ page. The CPR is the rate at which the pool is paying off prematurely, measured on a monthly basis. The CPR is for active, MBS pools and is based on a Single Month Mortality formula. The CPR data can be found in the following Pool Search result pages:
  • Summary tab page, in the “Security Balance Information” section
  • Historical Data tab page, column data between “Factor” and “WA Coupon” 
  • Historical Data tab, chart symbol in the upper right of the page (displayed graphically)

Ginnie Mae has provided CPRs on active MBS pools for the past 12 months, so the first CPR available is June 2022 for most pools. At this time there is no Data Disclosure output file or Data Download function for CPRs.

For questions related to this bulletin, please send an email to​. Inquiries to this email will be addressed within 2 business days.